
INTEGRIS Telewoundcare Network


Demonstrated and evaluated the clinical effectiveness and cost-savings of utilizing telehealth technology to reduce the days to healing for chronic wounds by improving access to caregivers, point of care processes, and dissemination of best practice information.

Grant Number
UC1 HS015359
Principal Investigator(s)

Home Heart Failure (HF) Care: Comparing Patient-Driven Technology Models


Assessed the impact of health IT on clinical and financial outcomes for patients with symptomatic congestive heart failure living in a rural area, including telemonitoring of vital signs and symptoms, evaluation of Technology Supported Case Management, and Technology Support Self Management.

Grant Number
R01 HS015459
Principal Investigator(s)

HIT-Based Regional Medication Management Pharmacy System


Implemented an interactive video-conferencing system at rural hospitals to provide continuing education for pharmacist and pharmacy technicians as well as a model for bedside verification of medication administration and medication bar coding; also evaluated structure, process, and outcomes related to improvement of patient safety and more effective patient medication management.

Grant Number
UC1 HS014965
Principal Investigator(s)