Shank, Nancy

Regional Health Records for Frontier Communities


Planned the implementation of a regional health record system within established networks of rural hospitals, clinics, public health providers, behavioral health providers, and others across a 14,000 square mile remote area.

Grant Number
P20 HS015365
Principal Investigator(s)

Health Information Exchange: A Frontier Model


Establishes a Web-based electronic medical record system for 10 small rural hospitals to connect them to the area's regional medical center. The project's ultimate goal is to quickly give alImplements a regional health information exchange among an established collaborative of hospitals, clinics, and providers across Nebraska's remote 14,000-square-mile western panhandle; also helps participating providers acquire the equipment and other resources necessary to share laboratory and pharmaceutical data, as well as electronic medical records.

Grant Number
UC1 HS016143
Principal Investigator(s)