Ratwani, Raj M.

Developing Evidence-Based, User-Centered Design and Implementation Guidelines to Improve Health Information Technology Usability


Analysis of 5,200 patient safety event reports showed an association between electronic health record (EHR) usability and patient safety in both adults and children and led to development of an EHR usability and safety assessment tool that healthcare facilities can use to identify usability and safety issues.

Grant Number
R01 HS023701
Principal Investigator(s)

Mind the gap. A systematic review to identify usability and safety challenges and practices during electronic health record implementation.

Principal Investigator

A framework for evaluating electronic health record vendor user-centered design and usability testing processes.

Principal Investigator

Improving Patient Safety and Clinician Cognitive Support Through eMAR Redesign


This study will create an innovative electronic medication administration record prototype and a medication administration workflow risk assessment to improve the medication administration process and the usability and safety of the electronic medication administration records in response to challenges from COVID-19.

Grant Number
R01 HS025136
Principal Investigator(s)

Identifying health information technology related safety event reports from patient safety event report databases.

Principal Investigator