USA, CA, Tehachapi

Crossing the Quality Chasm in Eastern Rural Kern County


Developed a regional collaborative and business plan for implementing health IT in a rural region; also conducted a telemedicine demonstration project to assess the barriers and issues of broad health IT intervention including telemedicine/teleradiology, scan/store medical record, chronic disease registry and personal health record, and linking the region's partners.

Grant Number
P20 HS015342
Principal Investigator(s)

Accessing the Cutting Edge: Implementing Technology to Transform Quality in SE Kern


Develops a regional collaborative and business plan for implementing health IT in a rural region; also conducts a telemedicine demonstration project to assess the barriers and issues of broad health IT intervention including telemedicine/teleradiology, scan/store medical record, chronic disease registry and personal health record, and linking the region's partners.

Grant Number
UC1 HS016146
Principal Investigator(s)