Asthma, Due for influenza vaccination

Clinician Summary

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommend all children with asthma receive influenza vaccine because of the increased risk of hospitalization and serious infection.

This reminder prompts clinicians to vaccinate individuals who have  the following recorded indicators within the electronic health record (EHR) system:

  • age ≥ 24 months and <19 years; and
  • asthma is on problem list OR medication list includes an asthma medication; and
  • no Influenza vaccine during current Influenza season; and
  • current date is within flu season: Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb


1.   MMWR.  Prevention and Control of Influenza.  Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).  July 29, 2005 / 54(RR08); 1-40.
2.  American Academy of Pediatrics.  Influenza Vaccine Implementation Information for 2005-2006.

Web Links


Implementation Notes

Rule category


Rule title

Due for Influenza vaccine with asthma

Primary Clinical Area


Secondary Clinical Area



Risk Group Definition

age ≥ 24 months and <19 years and asthma is on problem list OR medication list includes an asthma medication and current date is within flu season: Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb

Details for Risk Group


Asthma meds

Triggering Condition

No Influenza vaccine during current Influenza season

Details for Triggering

Influenza vaccine: check immunization record for record of influenza vaccine




Displayed Message

Patient has asthma and is due for Influenza vaccine


Coded Responses

Snooze Periods

A:  Done Today
B: Done elsewhere
C: Patient refuses
D: Contraindicated
E: Deferred
F: Other


A': Forever
B': Forever
C': 2 months
D': Forever
E': 2 months
F': 1 months



These rules and/or reminders were created using national, state and local guidelines, and group consensus regarding best practices. These guidelines, and their interpretation by clinicians at Partners Healthcare System, may not represent the standard of care across all regions or settings, and are not intended to be adopted or applied without independent assessment of their suitability for a particular setting. Moreover, guidelines change over time (for example, the age range for children who should receive influenza vaccinations was recently extended to 59 months). The rules and/or reminders may need the addition or modification of certain items to ensure that they remain consistent with current guidelines. Therefore, the rules and/or reminders included here are intended only as examples or guides for the development of similar rules and/or reminders in other settings. Partners Healthcare System and its affiliates disclaim any and all responsibility or liability associated with the use of the rules and/or reminders displayed here by third parties.