Quality Improvement

Detecting Med (Medication) Errors in Rural Hospitals Using Technology


Implemented and evaluated a voluntary system for reporting medical errors and adverse drug events in eight small rural hospitals; identified barriers to technology, described the epidemiology and root causes of the errors, formulated quality-improvement interventions, and disseminated the results of the project.

Grant Number
UC1 HS015400
Principal Investigator(s)

Showing Health Information Value in a Community Network


Assessed the costs and benefits of health IT in an established community-wide network of academic, private and public healthcare facilities created to share clinical information for the purpose of population-based care management of Medicaid beneficiaries.

Grant Number
R01 HS015057
Principal Investigator(s)

Improving Health Care through HIT in Morgan County, IN


Created a secure infrastructure for communication among providers to allow electronic sharing of patient clinical information with hospitals and other physicians/health providers in the county, region, and State; also assessed the effectiveness of the system in improving workflow, timeliness and completeness of information, patient safety, continuity of care, and health outcomes.

Grant Number
UC1 HS015258
Principal Investigator(s)