Ambulatory Setting

Stay-at-Home Influenza Toolkit


This project built on the past developments and findings from the Influenza Self-Management Web site. The project team revised, enhanced, and then piloted the Web site as a toolkit for influenza self-management.

Contract Number
Principal Investigator(s)

Service Integration


Built an integrated communications system with area hospitals, clinics, and service providers in St. Mary Parish, Iberia Parish, and Terrebonne Parish that will support chronic disease management and improve patient safety. Authorized health care providers have swift, secure access to important patient information at the point of care.

Grant Number
UC1 HS016151
Principal Investigator(s)

Ambulatory Electronic Medical Record and Shared Access


Implements an emergency medical records system that will provide shared access to patient records across various community health care providers and incorporates electronic tools for prescription distribution and management.

Grant Number
UC1 HS016128
Principal Investigator(s)